Support liver function in the case of chronic liver insufficiency. Farmina Vet Life Hepatic is a complete feed for dogs, indicated for the support of hepatic functionality in case of chronic hepatic insufficiency. This aliment has a moderate concentration of high quality protein, a high concentration of essential fatty acids and a high concentration of digestible carbohydrates.
The reduced intake of copper limits the effect of toxicity on the damaged hepatopathy. The use of raw materials rich in poliunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, with high anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the symptoms in case of acute hepatopaty. The presence of starch and hydrolyzed proteins compensate the digestive insufficiency (proteic and glucidic metabolism) in case of chronic liver diseases.
Key Benefits
1st all-natural veterinary therapeutic diet for dogs
It reduces the toxic effects on damaged hepatic cells
They compensate the metabolic dysfunction due to the pathology
They modulate the immune system response
Multi-vitaminic complex which reduces the oxidative stress on the cells
The quality of the used ingredients guarantees the high digestibility of the diet
Contains only natural antioxidants, thus allowing a natural preservation of the product
Low Glycemic index food, which modulate perfectly the postprandial glycemic response
Without GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)
Developed in collaboration with the chair of Nutrition & Animal Feeding at the University “Federico II” of Naples