Imported from the UK, Pet Remedy is well received in Europe, the US, Taiwan, and Japan. Through the whole herbal natural ingredients, it can regulate blood pressure and anxiety, and the mechanism of action is long-lasting and mild. The product is suitable for dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents and other pets, especially suitable for new pets and rabbits.
The special Pet Remedy blend of essential oils works alongside these natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed pets.
Key features
Easy to use
Ideal for pets including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, rodents and birds
Water based, PH neutral formulation so safe on skin and coat of pet
Clinically proven
Starts to help immediately
Helps calm pet without sedating
Helps pet become more attentive and receptive to you
Handy to keep in pocket, handbag, or glove compartment
How to use The calming spray is water based and pH neutral. Use for travel and in the home. Spray on pet bedding, bandana, or even a little on your fingers and gently rub around muzzle, under chin, and top of chest.
You only need a couple of sprays and this will last between 2 and 6 hours depending on the individual pet. As a rule, best not to spray directly on a pet. This avoids any association of the spray with the stressful situation.
Avoid spraying in the proximity of small mammals and birds as they have small lung capacity. Best to spray a little on a cloth and then place the cloth near them.
Product size 15ml / 200ml
Origin U.K.
Pet Remedy 來自英國,透過其草本天然成分,可提升腦中GABA濃度,舒緩壓力、焦慮、憂鬱,作用機制溫和長效,適用於所有哺乳動物及鳥類。只要輕鬆一噴或插電,立即散發到周遭,協舒緩寵物情緒及安定。獨特配方含有天然纈草,岩蘭草, 甜羅勒和快樂鼠尾草精油。