Nutramedic contains highly refined Omega-3 fish oil from ocean sardines. The fish oil is put through an exclusive 6-step manufacturing process to extract the beneficial Omega-3s DHA and EPA from the oil and refining them to the highest quality standards. Refining the oil also removes heavy metals and other undesirable pollutants to ensure maximum purity.
EPA and DHA (165mg – DHA / 32mg – EPA)
These are the precursors for newly discovered lipids called Resolvins and Protectins which support the natural systems that control inflammation.
Phosphatidylserine (3mg)
Phosphatidylserine is an amino acid derivative compound that is fat-soluble and found in high amounts in the brain, where it contributes to cognitive functioning.
Ginkgo Biloba Extract (20mg – 99% Pure)
The leaf extract of Ginkgo is an antioxidant and aids the body’s own natural anti-inflammatory processes. It has been used for over 5000 years to support memory ability and hypoxia tolerance in brain cells.
Natural Vitamin E (10mg – d-Alpha Tocopherol)
Helps support cellular aging. It is another potent antioxidant that helps aid free radicals within the brain.
B Vitamins (15mg Vitamin B3 / 15mg Vitamin B6 / 10mg Vitamin B1 / 10mg Vitamin B8 / 15mcg Vitamin B12)
Some essential B Vitamins are implicated in the synthesis of brain neurotransmitters specifically Dopamine and Noradrenaline. A two year study showed that a mixture of B vitamins helped maintain brain health particularly in areas known to control cognitive function. Furthermore a recent study has shown that B vitamins may support age related brain health but only in the presence of adequate Omega-3s, suggesting that these nutrients work closely together.
Each capsule contains:
210mg – Total Omega-3s
165mg – DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)
32mg – EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
20mg – Ginkgo Biloba Extract (99% pure)
15mg – Vitamin B3
15mg – Vitamin B6
10mg – d-Alpha Tocopherol (Natural Vitamin E)
10mg – Vitamin B1
10mg – Vitamin B8
3mg – Phosphatidylserine
15mcg – Vitamin B12
How to administer this product
To be given to your dog or cat as recommended by your veterinary surgeon. Each capsule to be administered either whole by mouth or pierced and contents of capsules squeezed onto or into your pets usual food.
For optimal benefit use continuously or as recommended by your Veterinary surgeon.

Nutramedic 含有來自海洋沙丁魚的高度精製的 Omega-3 魚油。魚油經過獨特的 6 步製造工藝,從油中提取有益的 Omega-3s DHA 和 EPA,並將其精煉至最高質量標準。精煉油還可以去除重金屬和其他不需要的污染物,以確保最大程度的純度。
EPA 和 DHA(165 毫克 – DHA / 32 毫克 – EPA)
這些是新發現的脂質的前體,稱為 Resolvins 和 Protectins,它們支持控制炎症的自然系統。
Phosphatidylserine (3mg)
Ginkgo Biloba Extract (20mg – 99% Pure)銀杏葉提取物是一種抗氧化劑,有助於人體自身的天然抗炎過程。它已被用於支持腦細胞的記憶能力和缺氧耐受性超過 5000 年。
Natural Vitamin E (10mg – d-Alpha Tocopherol)
B Vitamins (15mg Vitamin B3 / 15mg Vitamin B6 / 10mg Vitamin B1 / 10mg Vitamin B8 / 15mcg Vitamin B12)
一些必需的 B 族維生素與大腦神經遞質的合成有關,特別是多巴胺和去甲腎上腺素。一項為期兩年的研究表明,B 族維生素混合物有助於維持大腦健康,尤其是在已知控制認知功能的區域。此外,最近的一項研究表明,B 族維生素可以支持與年齡相關的大腦健康,但前提是存在足夠的 Omega-3,這表明這些營養素密切配合。
210 毫克 – 總 Omega-3
165mg – DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)
32mg – EPA(二十碳五烯酸)
20mg – 銀杏葉提取物(99% 純度)
15mg – 維生素 B3
15mg – 維生素 B6
10mg – d-Alpha 生育酚(天然維生素 E)
10mg – 維生素 B1
10mg – 維生素 B8
3mg – 磷脂酰絲氨酸
15mcg – 維生素 B12