What is Freeze-Dried Raw Pet Food?
Imagine taking all of the best bits of healthy, natural food, and gently transforming those into a delicious, nutritious and convenient meal. That's Freeze-Dried pet food.
Freeze-drying gently takes the water out of natural foods such as fresh meat and vegetables, locking in both nutrition and taste, while killing harmful pathogens. It's raw, it's convenient, it has a long shelf life, and most importantly it's full of nutrients and totally delicious.
Freeze-Dried pet foods are the next big thing in pet nutrition, and for good reason.
Have you ever thought of changing your pet's diet to Freeze-Dried diet? Let us tell you some secrets about freeze-dried raw pet food and why it becomes the most popular pet food.
Is raw food safe for health?
Yes, absolutely! You see bacteria grow in damp, moist environments. Freeze-drying on the other hand removes nearly all water from the food, killing harmful bugs and nasties. This is why freeze-dried raw pet food can last for years without spoiling.
And just as importantly, it doesn't go through any heat or pressure processing like regular kibble foods, which damages natural proteins, vitamins and minerals. Freeze-drying gives the best for your pet - safe, delicious and nutritious.
How do I know if my buddy is full with just a little bit of Freeze-Dried raw diet?
This is important! Freeze-Dried foods are really light because nearly all of the water has been removed, but it preserves all of the good nutrients. This means Freeze-Dried foods are very nutritious, and you will need less food by weight than with an old-fashioned kibble diet.
Check out the feeding guide before you feed your fur buddy. This is a great starting point, but you may need to adjust up or down a little if your pet is very active (or a couch potato).
How many grams of actual meat, organs and bones are in a gram of Freeze-Dried raw?
This will amaze you...to produce 30 kg of Freeze-Dried raw food it needs 100 kg of premium ingredients including actual meat, organs, bones, vegetables and natural super-foods. All of the nutrition in that 100 kg of ingredients is gently concentrated into the final 30 kg of pet food. And there's nothing else! No nasty preservatives or additives. ( This is base on Animalkind Freeze-Dried Pet Food data)
This is one of the big reasons you don't need much Freeze-Dried food to feel full and well-fed. Remember...if your pet usually eats 100 g of wet food or natural food, you only need to feed 50 g of Freeze-Dried.
How should I store Freeze-Dried raw food?
Freeze-Dried pet food can be kept for 2 years if stored in a cool, dry environment such as a cupboard out of sunlight. No need to freeze or refrigerate, just use the handy zip-lock to seal the bag and keep moisture out.
Explore more about Freeze-Dried pet food for your pets and try out the newly launched, vet-designed Animalkind Freeze-Dried series. I promise your buddy will love it, and your veterinarian will thank you for feeding a healthy, balanced, nutritious diet.
Dog Freeze-Dried Pet Food | Cat Freeze-Dried Pet Food
Below are the popular Freeze-Dried pet food brands in Hong Kong.