Common Causes of Cat Skin Problems
Cats, like humans, can suffer from a variety of allergies, including food allergies, environmental allergens like pollen or dust mites, and contact allergies from certain materials or chemicals. Allergic reactions can lead to itching, redness, and even hair loss.
Parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites commonly cause skin problems in cats. Flea bites can cause intense itching and dermatitis, while mites can lead to conditions like mange. Flea and tick prevention is important – especially for cats with sensitive skin. Bravecto or Nexgard are two excellent products, both safe and effective.
Fungal Infections
Fungal infections, such as ringworm, are really common in cats in Hong Kong, and can cause circular patches of hair loss, scaly skin, and redness. Interestingly, fungal infections don’t tend to be itchy – however it’s important to note infections can be contagious to both humans and other animals.
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial infections can occur following other skin issues, such as allergies or wounds. These infections often result in pustules, redness, and swelling and discomfort. Infections can also be quite irritating, causing the cat to lick and scratch, which in turn can worsen the problem.
Environmental Factors
Underlying all of these skin issues, the warm, humid climate of Hong Kong tends to make problems much more severe. High pollen, dust and allergen counts are usually worse in the summer, and the change of seasons can be especially bad.
How to help prevent skin issues?
Regular Grooming
Regular grooming helps to remove dead hair, dirt, and potential allergens from your cat’s coat. It also allows you to check for signs of parasites or skin issues early on. Cats can be tricky to bathe, and I don’t always recommend this, but if you do bathe your cat I’d recommend Aloveen shampoo for itchy cats, and Malaseb for cats with fungal or bacterial infections.
Also wash your cat’s bedding regularly, and if possible, hang it out in the sun to dry. Some people find running an air purifier can also really help reduce allergens in the cat’s environment.
Healthy Diet
Feeding your cat a balanced and nutritious diet can help support their skin and overall health. There’s not one diet that will prevent all issues, but I often recommend Royal Canin Hypoallergenic, Hill's d/d, and Animalkind Feline Wellness. Consider food options that are free from common allergens and consult your vet for advice.
I would also recommend all cats with sensitive skin are on an Omega3 supplement, such as Natural Animal Solutions Omega3 for cats.
See Your Vet
Regular veterinary check-ups can help catch any potential skin issues early and ensure your cat is in good health. And if your cat’s skin issues seem to be causing discomfort or are not getting better, definitely see your vet. They can prescribe medications such as anti-inflammatories for allergies, antibiotics for bacterial infections, anti-fungal treatments for fungal infections, or anti-parasitic treatments. Topical creams and shampoos can also work great for cats… and avoid having to give your cat a pill.
Dr. David and the Vetopia Team.