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[Updated version]The Best Flea, Tick, Heartworm & Deworm Preventatives For Cats & Dogs in Hong Kong

Hi Pet Parents,   

It’s Dr David here. It’s that time of year again when we start seeing lots of fleas and ticks coming out, so if your dog or cat isn’t on flea prevention, I’d highly recommend starting now. Fleas are a nuisance, and cause itching and dermatitis, and can transmit worms and disease. Ticks are more serious, and can carry a deadly disease called tick fever.   

One thing that’s even more concerning is we have seen some counterfeit flea and tick products in the market which are not effective, and in some cases can be dangerous.   

In my opinion, for dogs the best all-round flea, tick and heartworm preventative is NexGard Spectra and the best flea-and-tick only product is Bravecto. For cats, I really like Selehold and Revolution. Same medicine, just different brands, which  treats fleas, mites, roundworms and mange

But remember: you should still give your dog or cat an intestinal deworming treatment every 3-6 months. The flea, tick and heartworm treatments aren’t designed for some intestinal worms, such as tapeworm, which are common in Hong Kong. I generally use Drontal or Popantel for dogs, whereas for cats I prefer Profender as it’s an easy-to-use spot-on treatment, not a tablet.  

I’ve made up some charts to help pet parents decide which is the best option for them, and if you’d like any more information on fleas, ticks, or deworming please contact us – we’re here to help. One last thing remember – only buy flea, tick, and heartworm medicine from a reputable source such as Vetopia. Bad treatment from untrusted sources outlets is worse than no treatment.  

Kind regards,  

Dr. David. 

Here comes my recommendation to all pets owners.



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